RPET & Eco-Friendly Backpack

Published Date: 2023-03-17 14:35:31 Views: 160

RPET & Eco-Friendly Backpack

Why does it matter?
We believe that waste is only waste when we don’t do anything with it.
Every day millions of plastic bottles are being thrown away, meanwhile those bottles can actually be a viable, eco-friendly and sustainable resource!
We are exhausting and polluting our planet, and that is exaclty why we need to be more responsible and take care of our home. We need to rethink how we use our valuable resources.
How RPET fabrics are made?
Water bottles are collected and brought to a recycling facility. At the recycling facility the conversion process of turning waste into wearable fabric begins:
A flotation and separation process removes the caps and labels from the bottles, as they are made of plastics with different characteristics
Plastic bottles are then processed into flakes
After being washed the flakes are melted
Yarns are pulled from the melted polyester
The result is a clean, valuable, and recycled raw material perfect for the textile industry
The raw filament yarns are spun into yarn and ultimately woven into variety of different fabrics
In GOLDEN we not only create products made from 100% recycled polyester, but we also use it in combination with other equally sensible materials (such as eco-friendly cotton, organic cotton, wool or viscose) in order to create a wide range of sustainable fabric options.
How can GOLDEN RPET backpack products benefit your organisation?
We help you to make your brand and reputation more sustainable:
Solid process, transparent and controlled across the whole supply supply chain.
100% recycled and sustainable, no compromises
We meet the needs and demands of today’s consumers.
 GOLDEN can improve your sustainability objectives and CSR performance. It does not matter if your company’s core business is not in textiles, since most companies for example will have uniforms used for brand recognition.
With backpack, bags, duffel bags… made from GOLDEN, you can tell your people how much exactly they have saved in water and energy consumption with the clothes that they are wearing!
How much we can save?
Almost every product has a manufacturing process that consumes energy and water, and produces carbon dioxide emissions and as such has an environmental impact.
Using R-PET instead of regular polyester we save:
70% less Energy
86% less Water
75% less CO2
In order to reduce the waste, we all have to make responsible decisions about which materials to use. For example, if we use five pounds of RPET yarn to make Waste2Wear® fabric we can:
Save one full gallon of gasoline
Save enough water to provide drinking water to one person for five days!
Save the amount of greenhouse gas emitted while driving a hybrid car for almost 15 miles
We should reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible!
